Today is the real day of unity. Today is the day we see that every day is a day of one-ness, not only the special one. Hanna sits next to me as I am writing. What a gift she is, what a blessing. I have already covered this but it strikes me how I have called her in to my life to bless it. I remember in my youth, more and more reflecting on who I was, I became frustrated by being so "right" all the time. I was young, I was Caucasian, I was western, male, protestant, middle-class and I saw myself as fairly healthy, wealthy and skilled... I could virtually tic off all the boxes of what you should be in order to be "right" in this world. It didn't trigger off gratitude though. Instead a long journey started to explore the other. Now I am sitting here as a citizen of a "third world" country in the periphery of the suburb with my handicapped daughter, and my immigrant wife and friends. And now - I am full of gratitude! For the bigger picture, the ...