We are here in the embrace of Mundekulla, the course centre in the middle of the woods. Every morning kicks-off with a circle-dance on the lawn. What a wonderful way to start the day! The first morning we sang a new song of Anne Elmberg: I am beautiful just the way I am. You are beautiful just the way you are. Shining like a star, we are here to be who we truly are. We are beautiful j ust the way we are. And we danced and saw our beauty. Just as we are. It is wonderful for a walker from the long, straight roads to rest in a circle-dance. That is a home-coming of sorts. The meeting is the reward of the walker, the fellowship his goal and the trust his staff. The festival ended with us all summing it all up by creating and singing a new song with Sadhu the dancing dervish in the middle. Download the full score from here! The lyrics were born out of the moment: (in a not-so-poetic English translation;)...