Yesterday was spring equinox. And today is both the international Downe's Syndrome Day and Johann Sebastian Bach's birthday. And....? What's the connection? Balance...! I am listening to Johann Sebastian's Violin Concerto in A Major while writing. It is so divinely balanced. Sebastian is the great democrat among the composers. All parts have equal rights and worth. During the homophonic era, which succeeded the polyphonic, the different parts did not enjoy the same worth. The ones on top would be more important. And it seems we have not yet advanced beyond that time... So wonderful therefore to listen to Bach, the democrat. You can penetrate into the centre of the music and find that it is fresh and vital to the core. The musical crossword he creates can be read both vertically and horizontally. (Yes, sometimes even backwards...) And not as a token or theoretical construction. But as the most sublime music. Balanced. Divinely inspired and balanced... No...