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Bulgarian sole-music

Ever since I heard the haunting voices of the Bulgarian female choirs in the 80's and 90's I wanted to come here and explore the song-paths of this country. And now when I am here I am astonished how well the story of this country is conveyed by its music; the beauty of the mountains, the pain of its history, the longing of its spirituality... all was there in the music, and all is now here to be discovered  tangibly on my first visit.

I am in the best of companies; hosted in Plovdiv, the European Cultural Capital of 2019, by a group of really dedicated hosts who are eager to share the treasures that are hiding underneath the surface. As with the magnificent Roman theatre here, which was rediscovered, unearthed and restored only late in the 20th century, so are we, together with our hosts, rediscovering the rich cultural treasures of this in many ways forgotten corner of Europe.

And what a beautiful group to explore it with: In our network "Co-creating Europe" an astonishing wealth of diverse experience and personalities gather: Aftab from California, Anne-Marie from Holland, Annette from Switzerland, Aslinur from Turkey, Athena from Greece, just to start the list in alphabetical order, with life stories and academic merits that could fill the whole blog if that was what this is about, but what is relevant is that we all have in common a curiosity to explore new expressions of the old paths, how the diversity of us as Europeans and world citizens can express itself in unity. A group of "spiritual activists" if you like, who help each other getting our two brain-halves, our hearts, and our acts together.

I will definitely return  to Bulgaria and Plovdiv - the plans are emerging - to go deeper into these mountains, and explore its stories and songs. And I would love you to come along! We will announce and invite to a song-walk open to anyone who wants to be part of this. Keep your eyes and ears and heart open and stay tuned to our sites!

One of Plovdivs hills seen from another 

Trying to fit the picture...
Reality is always bigger than our frames...

              Worshiping in front of the iconostasis...
Aftab at Bachkovski Manastir

Bachkovski Manastir

Climbing up to the sanctuary

Anne-Marie, Marian, Magdalene and Aslinur after the divine dervish-dancing in diverse Plovdiv. 



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