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The unfolding tale of a hundred hymns

Wow! The power of setting your intentions...  Last summer I created a folder in my computer, and I had to give it a name. After giving it a quick thought I wrote: "Hundred hymns", in an attempt to be a bit poetic in the small space and time given.  There's a new hymnbook on its way in Sweden and a call has gone out for anyone who wants to contribute with proposals. I thought I ought to send in something before the deadline on New Years and the folder was created for this purpose.  I started to browse thru a life's worth of song creation and did not find much suitable, managed to come up with about 30 songs that I thought could work, after editing them quite substantially.  After that I fell ill in Covid. Little did I realise then how necessary this was for the developments that were to follow. For the first time in my life I had a personal and very tangible experience of life's brevity. And a reminder of the importance of taking every day as a precious gift.  ​...
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