I have landed in Mundekulla. Another circle is coming to its completion. Here the idea of The Path started, a walk through summer-Sweden in search of… Happiness? No, not that I haven’t been filled at times during the walk of bliss, absolutely, but was that what we were looking for when we left? Health? As well, I have not felt this healthy in a long while, but surely that was not the reason for the walk… Enlightenment? OK, I hope I have come to some better understanding of who I am, but there are still quite a few rooms that are waiting to be illuminated... Love? A red rose, the rose of love, is carefully opening its petals, innocently, unaware of its own beauty. Its bloodred colour is the colour of life. Its striving for the ultimate beauty holds all of Creations will for perfection, to complete the journey from Eden’s lustfilled garden through the scorged landscape of the desert to the eternal land beyond all dried rosepetals, seasons and sunr...