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Showing posts from July, 2012

The road to love / Vägen mot kärleken

I have landed in Mundekulla. Another circle is coming to its completion. Here the idea of The Path started, a walk through summer-Sweden in search of… Happiness? No, not that I haven’t been filled at times during the walk of bliss, absolutely, but was that what we were looking for when we left? Health? As well, I have not felt this healthy in a long while, but surely that was not the reason for the walk… Enlightenment? OK, I hope I have come to some better understanding of who I am, but there are still quite a few rooms that are waiting to be illuminated... Love? A red rose, the rose of love, is carefully opening its petals, innocently, unaware of its own beauty. Its bloodred colour is the colour of life. Its striving for the ultimate beauty holds all of Creations will for perfection, to complete the journey from Eden’s lustfilled garden through the scorged landscape of the desert to the eternal land beyond all dried rosepetals, seasons and sunr...

In the blue berry-mountains / I blåbergs-skogen

The staff walks on. It has travelled  in my friends Anders Claesson's and Peter Elmberg's confident hands, along lake Vättern and via Jönköping up into the Southern Swedish Highlands. The rain – and indeed the "Class 1 - warnings" from the meteorologists – have kept on showering this summer, but the reports from the walkers have been sunny and warm. Maybe it is one of the big paradoxes for us walkers to meditate on: when you are in the flow on the path, in the proximity of Nature – or maybe even better  in communion with nature - you are able to receive a rainfall as a blessing rather than as the curse we often perceive when we sit indoors in our safety looking out. * I have travelled up to Dala-Floda to give attention to house and family. But I have to admit that the walk is nothing you leave behind as you would a wet raincoat. I am still very much in that energy, and the desperate cries from the garden to be seen and attended to, calls I any other summe...

The Om-Mountain / Om berg

All mountains are special. They stick out. I am fascinated by mountains, I have grown up surrounded by them, my name contains it, but now I have passed a mountain on my walk that sticks out more than most: The Om-Mountain. Omberg from the plains Like the human who is defined by his relationships; ”Umntu gumntu ngabantu” as we say in South Africa – ”A man is a man in relationship to others”, so is the mountain defined by its surrounds. It is perceived in relationship with the valleys and plains around it. Omberg is, and is exciting because of the plains on the one side and the lake Vättern on the other giving this mountain its special profile. Placed somewhere else Omberg would probably feel quite insignificant. Omberg from the water You have the nature; apart from the plain, the woods and southern Sweden’s deepest lake you also have one of the most shallow; Tåkern, maybe the finest of the countries bird lakes. You have the history with ...

Back to Ängsbacka

I leave the path once more to backtrack to another festival; Ängsbacka in Värmland. A first visit for me at a festival that holds an unchallenged place as the number one alternative festival on the market in Sweden. A mixed assortment in the colours of the rainbow; from tarot to tantra, from maya to mantra. It is open, it is curious and let me say it from the start: I like it. You buy in to it even if there’s sometimes techniqal problems, the schedule is constantly stretched and the organisation is showing all the problems a flat organisational structure with lots of cooks can display. But you buy in to it because of the athmosphere where all the senses are made wide open for all possibilities, creating exciting meetings and miraculous magic. It is a sheer pleasure to work in such an environment and most of the artists appear for free. You can go safe to your workshop knowing that once it starts you can hand over to the sovereign dire...